
Compulsory Saving Any person who is a member of the cooperative should pay the minimum saving as per the SACCOS' scale or 10% of his/her income regularly, once in a month. This compulsory saving could only be withdrawn upon the termination of membership. Voluntary Saving         A member of the cooperative could save any amount of money as a voluntary saving that could be withdrawn at any…
loan -money-exchange-currency-business and finance-hand
Loan service Loan/ Credit provision is the other primary undertaking in Awach SACCOS. All members have an equal right to benefit from the credit service. Apart from fulfilling the pre-credit requirements in the bylaw, Awach’s loan committee and loan department take various factors mentioned below before deciding on each credit application. Segregation of duty during the loan approval process…
Training and Consultancy
Awach SACCOS is expanding its services and availability to reach its members in holistic aspects. In addition to its saving and loan services, our SACCOS is equipping members with different trainings so that they can change their lives, their families, their communities, and their nation. Awach has prepared a training center around Mexico. This training center serves all branch members and the…
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Website By: Alen Teshome